5.2 Referencias/Lecturas adicionales

Holman, P. 2014, ‘Lully’s death, the myth revisited’, Early Music Performer, 35, pp.23-7

Holman, P. 2020, Before the baton: Musical direction and conducting in Stuart and Georgian Britain, Woodbridge, Boydell.

Howard, D. and L. Moretti, 2012, The music room in early modern France and Italy: Sound, space and object, The British Academy and Oxford University Press.

Lanfranco, G.M. 1533, Scintille di musica Brescia, Lodovico Britannico https://imslp.org/wiki/Scintille_di_musica_(Lanfranco%2C_Giovanni_Maria)

Maugars, A. 1639, Response faite à un curieux sur le sentiment de la musique en Italie, escrite à Rome, le 1er octobre 1639 

Maxwell, J. C (1998) The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership London: Harper Collins

Ornithoparcus, 1609, Micrologus, translated by Dowland, London, Thomas Snodham https://imslp.org/wiki/Musicae_activae_micrologus_(Ornithoparchus,_Andreas)  

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